Works on Electrical Installations
Work on electrical installations is considered an important element of construction, but it is of equal importance for adaptation and renovation of any space. It is of the utmost importance that this work is done professionally as mistakes in execution of this work may lead to undesired consequences. If work on electrical installations is not properly done, it can lead to failure of certain consumer devices, which causes additional costs and investments. This can also cause short circuits which can result in unforeseeable consequences.
While placing electrical installations, it is necessary to have a sequence of actions performed. It would be best if a complete renovation of a living or office space is performed by one company, which would be held liable for quality of the executed work. A good coordination of electricians, ceramists and plumbers is of key importance so that the initial plan is fully realized.
Work on electrical installations which is done within construction and space renovation is the following:
- Placement and positioning of electrical installations
- Repair of old installations
- Installation of safety switches, fuses, transformers
- Installation of sockets, switches, plugs
- Installation of switchboards and electrical cabinets
- Work on lighting
- Connecting boilers and other consumer devices
- Relocation of electrical installations for bulbs, chandeliers, spotlights, etc.
Correction of possible defects
Safety measures to be applied within work on electrical installations
During work on electrical installations, it is necessary to strictly comply with safety measures as to avoid accidents and negative consequences. Herewith, we specify a few of safety measures:
- Never work on devices under power
- The fuses that are turned off need to be marked as not to have someone turning them on unexpectedly
- Before any work starts, it should be confirmed by an electrical tester that the installations are not under power
- Special caution is required with the electrical installations outside or in wet areas.